Thursday, November 21, 2013

Review of Cloud Computing

A View
of Cloud

"Cloud Computing, the long-held dream of cloud computing as a utility, has the potential to transform a large part of the IT industry, making software even more attractive as a service and shaping the way IT hardware is designed and purchased.

Cloud computing is the ability to receive services delivered through the internet and the hardware and system software in the data center to deliver the services. Software as Service (SaaS)  is a consumer using provider's applications running on the cloud infrastructure. Service providers the exclusively manage computing infrastructure and software the support services.

"Any application needs a model for computation, a model of storage, and a model of communication. The statistics of multiplexing necessary to achieve elasticity and the appearance of infinity capacity available on demand requires automatic allocation and management".

In cloud computing, security threats are a real concern from both outside and sources in the cloud. It is the responsibility among many parties, including the cloud users, the cloud vender, and any third-party vendors that rely on for security sensitive software or configurations.

Think about how expensive it is for internet transfers to process. The opportunity to overcome high Internet transfers is in shipping disk or even whole computers. "While this does not address every use case, it effectively handles the case of large delay-toleration point-to-point transfers, such as importing large data sets.

I agree that cloud computing will grow and developers should take notice. Remember a couple weeks ago news broke about Google's floating data centers on the western and eastern coast of the United States. Cloud computing will improve bandwidth and cost and processors work well with VMs and flash memory should be added to the memory heirarchy, and LAN switches and WAN routers must improve bandwidth cost.

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